Stop Thief oil and tincture are used when you want to prevent stealing in the home or workplace, or just keep people’s hands off your things. They are very simple to make, but you may have to do some foraging to find the right ingredients. Fortunately, almost every place in the world has some kind of thorny plants. You just have to catch them in season.
The essential oil version for around 30-50ml, which still requires the addition or an actual thorn or burr is:
I advise letting this steep for at least 3 weeks wrapped in a black cloth placed in a protected place.
The infusion oil version is:
You can also make a tincture this way, just by using vodka or some at least 40% alcohol, or white vinegar.
A bit more active/aggressive possibility could be:
Be creative with this. You can add other protection ingredients, put protective symbols on the bottle, and all sorts.
With any of these recipes, remember to consecrate them according to your beliefs, and ask assistance and give offerings to your deities of protection and honor or lawfulness.
If you will be using the tincture on cash registers, computers, or other electronics, make sure not to use ethyl alcohol. Use either isopropyl alcohol or a half and half vinegar and water solution.
© 2014 and Respective Authors
Though some of the information here is traditional, the articles and photos are not public domain. Please do not republish any of the articles or recipes here without attribution and a link back to our site. This website is owned by Sis. Nicole T. Lasher, an active U.L.C. minister and female king of Ile Baalat Teva.