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Protection Salts Recipe

Use this protection salts recipe to protect your home from negative energy and malevolent magic.  Protection salts are sprinkled throughout the home and yard to ward off “evil” (misplaced) spirits and evil people.  It can also neutralize powders and liquids that someone may pour into your yard or doorstep.



  1.     On a Monday, starting with the coffee, mix all of the ingredients and crush them together as well as possible while singing or chanting to your gatekeeper.
  2.     Let it sit for three days in a closed container on your altar or a sacred place.
  3.     Sprinkle this on Mondays around your home near any possible entrances including drainage.


    One of the good things about this recipe is that it looks like dirt, so nobody notices it. It also repels roaches and some other pests.


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Though some of the information here is traditional, the articles and photos are not public domain. Please do not republish any of the articles or recipes here without attribution and a link back to our site. This website is owned by Sis. Nicole T. Lasher, an active U.L.C. minister and female king of Ile Baalat Teva.