List of Orishas, Lwa, and Other African and Diaspora Deities


This is a list of known West African and diaspora Orishas, Vodun, Lwa, notable Spirits, and Deities.  I’ve gathered information from a variety of sources.  It is by no means a complete list, and different cultures have different names and pronunciations.  Just in the Yoruba pantheon, there are said to…

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Fertility Herbs, Spells, and Charms, Part 2: Fertility Deities

Yemaya/Olokun Bowl

When you are trying to make a pregnancy happen, it is important to give special observance/offerings to the deities who make that happen.  This will vary by tradition.  In Zindoki and other west and central African belief systems though, we believe that the physical and spirit realm overlap quite a…

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