Fertility Herbs, Charms, and Spells Part 3: Example Fertility Working

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Fertility Herbs, Spells, and Charms, Part 2: Fertility Deities

Yemaya/Olokun Bowl

When you are trying to make a pregnancy happen, it is important to give special observance/offerings to the deities who make that happen.  This will vary by tradition.  In Zindoki and other west and central African belief systems though, we believe that the physical and spirit realm overlap quite a…

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Fertility Herbs, Spells, and Charms Part 1

Vulva Stone

If you or someone you know is trying to conceive, or has trouble carrying to term, there are many ways you can make things easier. Once you’ve covered the bases, and made sure the Ancestors are okay with your choice of partner, you want to avoid foods and herbs that…

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