Phoenix Oil Recipe for Healing Heartbreak and PTSD

Phoenix Oil Recipe

The pain of heartbreak and post traumatic stress can kill.  One can in fact die of a broken heart.  When someone has trouble making a better future because of trouble from the past, this oil can help with the healing process.  It’s like Tear spray for the heart. Phoenix Oil…

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Burying a Knife For Home Protection

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China Rain Oil Recipe (for Bringing New Love and New Stuff in General)

The original China Rain oil designed by the Terra Nova company brought “rainy” scents into popularity.  There were many copies, but one stream stood out.  These were the versions made by African spiritual scentologists with stands in Venice Beach California.  Because of its ingredients (which may or may not be…

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Fertility Herbs, Charms, and Spells Part 3: Example Fertility Working

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Ingredient Spotlight: Bay Leaves

Bay leaf has a variety of uses in magic and herbal medicine.  It is extremely helpful in sparking prophetic visions, lucid dreaming, and contemplation for the purpose of finding the reality of a situation or solving a dilemma.  It is an excellent addition to a potpourri or incense for divination.…

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Antidepressant Oils

Many scents and scent combinations can be very uplifting or comforting.  To know what is needed, you have to think about what reason the person has for being sad or depressed. Mood Lifting Oil For a smallish dab to inject into a small sachet to put under the pillow, you…

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Protection Charm Against Harmful Suitors, Lovers, or Potentials

Preparing Ouanga You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

Witch Cake (For Protection, Cleansing, and Good Fortune)

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