Shango Smoulder Incense: A Non Teargas Version of Shango Incense


Shango BowlThe normal Shango incense given in observances will literally clear a room, so it is usually burned outside.  One may not want to go to such extremes in every occasion.  So here is a milder version I call “Shango Smoulders”.

You will need:

  • 3 coffee beans
  • 1/4 teaspoon hot red chilli powder
  • a handful of benzoin chips
  • a handful of dragon’s blood
  • a handful of cinnamon chips
  • a handful of sandalwood
  • 30 cloves
  • a handful of chopped cypress “leaves”
  • a good pinch of deer musk


Mix, and grind the ingredients together as coarsely or finely as you prefer.  During your daily or weekly observance, give a little to Eshu, and then some to Shango.

Here is a batch of incense made by one of my students, Arden:



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