Leave Me Alone Banishing Spells

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Kid Safe Monster Spray

Sometimes children with the special sight have nightmares and other night time disturbances.  They can’t always tell who is friendly, neutral, and not, so this combined protection and evil banishing spray will give them some peace of mind.  This recipe is made with non toxic ingredients, so it is safe…

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Go Away Evil! Spray Recipe

In east coast Obeah and southwest Brujeria and Kindoki, Go Away Evil spray is very popular.  Almost nobody makes it from scratch anymore though, and I think that is a shame.  It smells nice, and it is really hard to be negative with this scent around.  Almost everybody who’s used…

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Arden’s HOT Foot Powder

Arden's HOT Foot Powder

 Want to make someone go far, far away?  Try this. Arden’s HOT Foot Recipe Arden’s HOT Foot Powder waiting in the Shango bowl. You will need: dirt and ants collected from an ant hill a handful of black peppercorns a handful of chili peppers a handful of the hottest peppers…

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Ingredient Spotlight: Peaches

In my tradition, peaches were a sort of substitute offering for mangoes.  I was told their sweet taste and wet, juicy texture were pleasing to all Spirits, so if I wasn’t sure what to give, then peaches were always a good bet, much like coconut, mangoes, tobacco, and myrrh.  Specifically…

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