Bat’s Blood Oil Recipe for Tormenting Enemies

Bat's Blood Oil Recipe You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

War Water, War Oil, and War Powder

beastmode You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

Protection From the Authorities and Police

Since the dawn of civilization, there has been a hierarchy that required law enforcement to sustain itself.  Almost since then, there has been corruption, and there have been times when those in power have abuse it or made it impossible for some classes or groups to make a decent living. …

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