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Bat’s Blood Oil Recipe for Tormenting Enemies

Bat's Blood Oil Recipe You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

Cleopatra Oil Recipe for the Seduction of High Status Men

Cleopatra Oil Recipe You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

Queen Bee Oil Recipe for Dominant Women

Queen Bee Oil Recipe You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

Q Oil Recipe for Lesbian and Bisexual Women

Q Oil Recipe

Q oil is worn by women who wish to arouse sexual feelings in other women.  It basically takes all the good things about how masculine people smell, but without the possibly unpleasant dried leftover androgen “tang”.  It is reminiscent of the natural smell of a freshly showered Romanian amab (assigned…

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AC/DC Oil Recipe for Same Sex Attraction and Solving Dilemmas

AC/DC Oil Recipe

AC/DC oil is used for two purposes that may seem unrelated, but aren’t so far apart.  On the one hand, it is attractive of same sex partners, whether it is worn by someone genitally/hormonally male or female.  On the other, it helps anyone of any gender or orientation solve dilemmas…

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Angel Oil Recipe for Protection and Angel Work

Angel Oil

This angel oil recipe should be used by those “knowing folk” from Jewish, Christian, or Muslim families for protection from negative energy from their family, to make peace in their home, and to not frighten others with too much truth.  Needless to say, though this is old Hoodoo, it’s dipping…

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Adam and Eve Oil Recipe

Adam and Eve Oil Recipe You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.
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