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Love Spells and Workings

Oshun Ebo 2012

I don’t just write about witchcraft.  I actually practice it.  This page was an announcement back in 2014, for the special discount during the Oshun festival.  It’s outdated, but I figured that instead of just deleting the page, I’d keep it up to describe the process of ordering a love…

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Oya’s Magical Sprays

Oya Magical Sprays

Oya, the Orisha of storms, wind, and air in general, is said to dislike smoke.  So when we are giving observances to her, or asking for her energy for a spell, we usually give her potpourri, sprays, or liquids to evaporate.  In more scientific streams of Vodun, she is also…

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Kindoki Basics: Found Eshu Stones

Natural Eshu Rock Fetish You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

Kindoki Basics: Fetishes

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Video: How to Use and Care for Zuni Fetishes

Someone searching one of my sites asked what was the proper way to consecrate Zuni fetishes, and I didn’t know, so I asked Arden who collects many, and has plenty of experience with them.  He made this video for us, and here it is.  Thank you, Arden!  🙂 ? Zuni…

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Arden’s HOT Foot Powder

Arden's HOT Foot Powder

 Want to make someone go far, far away?  Try this. Arden’s HOT Foot Recipe Arden’s HOT Foot Powder waiting in the Shango bowl. You will need: dirt and ants collected from an ant hill a handful of black peppercorns a handful of chili peppers a handful of the hottest peppers…

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Boss Fix Spells


Boss fix spells are to protect you from those who have some worldly advantage over you.  They can be used to create harmony between you and your boss, or to get rid of a really bad boss who is making life unnecessarily difficult for the workers.  Which should be used…

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Cleansing the Seed

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Ingredient Spotlight: Coriander/Cilantro

Coriander/Cilantro is one of the most important herbs to have in your “tacklebox”.  It is a famous ingredient in love charms and other love related workings, but what you may not know is that it is also useful in banishing. How could that be?  It is partly because of the…

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