Ingredient Spotlight: Bay Leaves

Bay leaf has a variety of uses in magic and herbal medicine.  It is extremely helpful in sparking prophetic visions, lucid dreaming, and contemplation for the purpose of finding the reality of a situation or solving a dilemma.  It is an excellent addition to a potpourri or incense for divination.…

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Ingredient Spotlight: Peaches

In my tradition, peaches were a sort of substitute offering for mangoes.  I was told their sweet taste and wet, juicy texture were pleasing to all Spirits, so if I wasn’t sure what to give, then peaches were always a good bet, much like coconut, mangoes, tobacco, and myrrh.  Specifically…

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Ingredient Spotlight: Kola Nuts

Kola is an important nut in west Africa, and by extension in some diaspora traditions.  However, in the north American diaspora, it is rarely heard of.  In my opinion, this needs to be remedied.  It embodies hospitality, good will, and unity. Rather than repeat what has already been written on…

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Oshun and Oya Seduction-Chaos Cake

Before we begin, let me just say that this cake is dangerous.  If the union is not completely against his Nature, it will cause the man to want to make passionate love with its maker.  Treat this recipe with the utmost care because if a person actually does give in…

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