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Hummingbird (Chuparosa) Oil Recipe

Hummingbird oil is a condition oil formula that is made to ensure fidelity in a romantic relationship.  It works best for people who are married, have children together, or have been committed to each other for more than 5 years.  It can prevent a partner from straying or leaving, or…

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Come To Me Oil and Incense Recipe

Come To Me condition oil is an old formula used to motivate someone to come to the wearer.  It can be used to draw a specific person, or to draw someone from the Universe so to speak.  In the latter case, it is very useful in cultures wherein people tend…

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Ethnopharmacology of single herbal preparations of medicinal plants in Asendabo district, Jimma, Ethiopia

Medicinal plants have been used to prevent and treat various health problems. Several African and Asian nations are now encouraging traditional medicines as an internal component of their public healthcare programmes. Indigenous medicines are relatively inexpensive and locally available and readily accepted by local population. Ethiopia has an enormous resource of plant species that are used in traditional medicine. Among the 7,000 higher plant species that are known to exist, about 800 of them are employed in the traditional healthcare and 60% of pants are said to be indigenous with their healing potential. Majority of Ethiopians depend on medicinal plants as their only source of healthcare. Vast knowledge on the traditional uses of these plants is not fully documented and most of the knowledge is conveyed from one generation to the text generation through words of mouth. The survey conducted during February-May 2006 was undertaken to explore the traditional systems of medicine in Asendabo region of Ethiopia.

via Ethnopharmacology of single herbal preparations of medicinal plants in Asendabo district, Jimma, Ethiopia.

Ogun Computer Cleaning Potion

Ogun Doll by Anna Kapitov You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

What to Do With Your Offering Leftovers

This gallery contains 5 photos.

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Oil, Potion, Powder, or Spray? When to Use What

Working Altar

A spell or working usually has one to three main components: the ceremony, the concoction, and the talisman.  The ceremony should always be part of it, but with the ceremony, one can choose to use neither, one, or both a concoction and talisman.  In this lesson, we’re going to focus…

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B.S.A. Balm: Homemade Antibacterial Ointment

Homemade Antibacterial Ointment

The B.S.A. stands for “broad spectrum antibacterial”.  This is a simple homemade antibacterial ointment or balm that should kill most bacteria on the skin and prevent infection of minor wounds.  It’s basically “home made neosporin” just that it doesn’t cause resistant bacteria to spawn. It works well enough with just…

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How to Use a Witches’ Cauldron

Cauldron Work You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.

Magickal Ingredient Substitutions

Mortar and Pestle You need to register and log in to see this post. It's free, and you can sign in to the site or with your Google account. If you need guidance, but don't want to register, please donate for a reading or counseling session, and we will help you as much as we can.
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